NON-DC FOC for Holiday Weekend! Sep04


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NON-DC FOC for Holiday Weekend!

Time again to take a look at comics coming out a few weeks from now! AKA Final Order Cutoff time! Comics orders are always due for us on EACH WEEK,   with orders from DC Comics being due by Sunday nights at 5 PM, and everything else being due the next day by 6pm (Monday) ! Keep that in mind so we can order books for you if you want them!

Previewsworld – for all comics BUT DC

We will not be getting many extra copies of these books, so please let us know if you want one of these books, ASAP, and we’ll order it for you! If you are a subscriber already, we can make sure anything is on your list. If you are not a subscriber, we can set you up with a list to save whatever comics you want! Just get in touch by email to the store you normally shop at:
We know that comics are a luxury in the grand scheme of life, and things are very uncertain right now, so if anyone would like us to freeze their orders (so that nothing new is held for you), please let us know as well.